Multiplying and Dividing Fractions in an easy and fun ways

One of the complicated topic in elementary mathematics is the multiplication and division of  fractions so here are some easy ways on how to multiply and divide fractions!

How to Multiply Fractions With Whole Numbers



Rewrite the whole number as a fraction. To rewrite a whole number as a fraction, simply place the whole number over 1.

  • To rewrite 5 as a fraction, just write 5/1. 5 becomes the numerator, while 1 is the denominator; but the value remains the same.


Multiply the numerators of the two fractions. To get the numerator of your answer, you simply have to multiply the numerator of the first fraction with the numerator of the second fraction.


Multiply the denominators of the two fractions. To get the denominator of your answer, you simply have to multiply the denominator of the first fraction with the denominator of the second fraction.

  • Multiply the denominators of 5/1 and 8/10 by multiplying 1 * 10. The answer is 10, so your new denominator will be 10.
  • After multiplying the numerators and denominators of your fractions, your answer will be in fraction form, with the new numerator over the new denominator. The answer is 40/10.


Simplify. To simplify a fraction, you have to write it in its lowest terms. You can do this by dividing the numerator and denominator by the same factor. In this case, both 40 and 10 are divisible by 10. 40/10 = 4 and 10/10 = 1, so your new answer is 4/1, or just 4.

  • If your answer is 4/6, for example, you can simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 2 to get 2/3.

Here are the the step by step process on how to multiply fractions

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Dividing Fractions

Division of Fractions:



Here are some videos about division of fractions:

Understanding division of fractions

dividing 2/5 and 7/3

dividing 3/5 and 1/2


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